Friday, May 4, 2012

Whoa, we're half way there, Whoa-oh, livin' on a prayer...

You got it we are half way there...20 weeks exactly today! Well I will go ahead and post the more exciting pictures first and then the boring ones. That's what everyone wants to see anyways right.  We went a saw the high risk doctor this week to get a better ultra-sound. He was the nicest guy and of course first thing he says is your really tall. Yup, you got it right sir... have been my whole life. I didn't really say that but I thought it. I am actually quite use to it. Anyways he was looking for markers and checking on the Previa, abruption and the blood tests I had done. He said I had a whole laundry list of items and my blood work was all over the place.  This was concerning to me. Anyways the lady doing the ultrasound was so nice and was telling the entire time what we were looking at. I can't read those things. She pointed out kidneys and I didn't see a thing... I will just trust her. So we got some reassuring news but are still not out of the woods. It looks like my previa has fixed itself (YAY!!!) At least thats what it seems like...still have to talk to my real doctor on Tuesday. They said there were signs from my abruption...signs of bleeding but they didn't seemed concerned about it. They also said the babies spine looked great, so they ruled out any neural tube defects. My odds for Downs went from 1:140 and is now 1:540. Still not great for my age group but it is much better than before...I will take that. Please keep us in your prayers still though. We still have a long journey to go and there is still more possibilities of bleeding and abruptions. I am still on the same restrictions at the moment. But needless to say my title from last week is more than appropriate. I am BLESSED! God is Good! I don't think I will ever be able to give enough thanks to him or to friends and family for the prayers. He has blessed us with so many good things and even when the storms are tough he is always by our side and blessing us beyond belief. We fall even more in love with this child everyday and can't wait for September to come! Thanks you for all the support and prayers please keep sending them our way...we are hoping the rest of the pregnancy continues to be nothing but good news!

So onto the good stuff right!

Our cuties little face! We couldn't get a good face shot cause it liked to face
 my spine and move around alot!

This is my mine and Jeremy's favorite...I love the little hand up by its face!

Little foot

Can you see the 2 little feet inside the black looking circle?

The Tech was funny...I like the label! 

Drum roll please...the news that you really want the gender!

ITS A BOY!!! We are beyond excited! We are still settling on a name but pretty sure we have it figure out...we will keep you posted and let you know soon. 

Well that was enough writing for me today... I will give you the weekly stats and try to write again in the next couple of days to show you how the potting plants went. Let me just say they turned out better than I thought. It was a good week overall and GOD IS GOOD! 

How Far Along: 20 weeks- Ummm sorry no picture. Maybe in the next couple days. 

Total Weight Gain: I would say still about the same around 8 lbs or so...will know for sure at my Dr appt on Tuesday. 

Maternity Clothes: Thank goodness Jeremy is in the AF too... been wearing is ABU pants all week cause there is no way mine are fitting. I finally bought a few uniform items but I am in the awkward in-between stage. 

Sleep: Take a nap almost everyday and still sleep at night. I had finals this week so that hindered the sleeping somewhat.
Best Moment this Week: Everything this week was amazing...having the dr give me good news for once and seeing out sweet little boy. 

Miss Anything: Exercise the most still. I would really like to eat like a regular cold sandwich or like a hot dog or something. I have been good about not doing that so trying not to give in. 

Movement: Yup totally feel it now and loving it! 

Food Cravings: Cheese!!! With everything or on everything! 

Gender: ITS A BOY!!! Like I said before we are beyond excited. I will admit girls clothes are a LOT cuter but I still think it will be fun having a boy. 

Wedding rings on or off: Still on

Looking Forward To:  I am just still wanting things to settle down a little more and just be as normal as possible. We feel blessed and feel like i couldn't even ask for more but I just hope the baby stays healthy and safe and everything goes great all the way unto the birth. Like I said I know its a lot to ask. Before getting pregnant I never thought about how much this would make me realize that babies really are a miracle and a gift from god. I just thought of it as everyone has the opportunity and it happens everyday. Its not that way at all though. Children truly are miracles and we will never take that for granted and give thanks everyday for what we do have...beyond blessed. 

Thanks everyone for checking in...I really appreciate you taking the time! 
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boys are wonderful! I've got 3 so far. lol They are a lot less drama, but we've had more ER visits than I would like. Congrats to you and jeremy and baby Wray. I'm so glad the previa has fixed itself and good for you for keeping on the bright side of everything. You'll make a great mom with that type of attitude. =) Keeping you in my prayers. *hugs*