Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Quick update for now...

Just the Girls saying Hello! 

I am out of my element and posting twice in a week! Hey why not, right? Anyways I continued to be blessed even beyond my belief. Lets just say its been a great and I just don't want it to end. In the end I am thankful for everything though...so thankful. Well I had the wonderful visit last week and was beyond happy. I don't think I could have asked for anything better. The rest of the week continued and was just left studying for my finals and looking forward to the next doctors appointment.  I went in this morning to see my regular doctor, Dr. Henzel, and she seemed very pleased with things too. Yes I still have a the few things going on like the Abruption and the positive test for Downs (1:540) but I am just happy that I don't have all the problems as before. Anyways I figure I would give you an update on what they are concerned with now. They are now just mostly concerned with growth. They want to make sure our boy is measuring to size and growing appropriately...thats one of the side effects from the problems I have/had that the baby will be small. Well so far he is measuring at the 97th percentile! Thats big...but honestly it makes me happy! That is definitely not measuring small.  Since she is worried about growth she said that means lots more ultrasounds...yay! That means I get to see him lots more. See I tell you things are just getting better for me. Like I said on Facebook I don't know if I am deserving of all these great things but I am thankful!  I go in next week for an amnio test and honestly am kinda worried...praying it all goes well.  I have debated it for a week now. Yes, I am a worrier and the doc gives me a hard time about it all the time. 

So as if my weeks couldn't get better I ended up doing pretty good on my classes for all the stress I have been going through. I have decided to take a break for the summer and concentrate on more important things and just take one class in the fall. Talk about stress relief. I ended up getting a B in ACCT but that was a pretty tough class for me.  Needless to say I consider that a win! I am not the strongest at math so that was a huge defeat for me.  I will actually be able to do something on weekends! For a little while at least. 

So then....I get this email from my college a couple weeks ago about a laptop. Well to my surprise today when I got home there was a brand new dell sitting on my porch. They did a fundraiser at Oklahoma State University for the College of Business. They were raising funds to send Women in the Military enrolled in school free Laptops as a Thank You for their service. I was one of the lucky recipients. A simple thank you would have been fine with me...actually they don't even need to do that. Its my job. But I feel beyond blessed and thought it was pretty cool that they do that. I owe them a huge thank you! 

Lastly...my planters! I think they turned out to be pretty! I love them and can't wait to put them out on the porch. Its not as warm here as it is in the south...there is still a possibility of snow or freezing! Crazy I know.

Planters for the Front Porch 

Planters for the Patio

All of them together

I had never seen Petunia this color. I had to buy them because I thought they turned out pretty cool! 

Thanks again for checking out my blog and keeping the 3 of us in your thoughts an prayers! We greatly appreciate it and feel beyond blessed. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue our journey! We are greatly for all that you have done already and can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Thanks for your time. 

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Anonymous said...

Glad to know things are going well! Does postive for Downs means the baby boy will have Down Syndrome or just more likely until you know for sure from the amnio? Those tests are not fun. I've had them done 3 times and the weirdest part for me is seeing how much amniotic fluid they pull out. Be sure to drink lots of water. I had to drink a gallon a day since my body wasn't producing enough fluid for baby to bounce around in. I'm still waiting for your latest belly pic. I'm sure you look amazing. =)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to add that your dogs are adorable! And I've never seen a petunia that color either. Very nice.

The Wray Family said...

Thanks for all the advice Natalie... I love it! I love seeing what you and all your boys are upto! So does the Amnio hurt? I have my appt tomorrow and I will know more about downs after I get the results back. The risk of another miscarriage is what scares too. I will be sure to drink lots of water....I didn't know that! Thanks again for the help and as always the kind words.