Monday, March 18, 2013

6 months

post signatureSo if I accidentally post this pre-edit it is because I have a very curious little boy sitting on my lap helping post this. He finds the computer to be very interesting. Luckly he also finds me sewing entertaining too. That works out well for both of us. Anyways the little man is just growing so fast and changing so much. He is such a blast and always wish I could spend more time with him.  Here is a little info about him:


The Facts: 
 weighs 18lbs 12 Oz - 73%
 height  27.25 inches-  79%
 head     45 cm          -  82%

Mr Colton is getting quite the personality. He is an absolute blast and makes me laugh so much everyday.

- He is sleeping alot more (writing this post better not curse On average he sleeps around 8-9 hrs every night. I am very thankful for that. He does sleep in complete silence though. If you play music he will not sleep as long. He doesn't have to be swaddled any more and if you play his projector (thanks anne marie) he is usually asleep by the time it finishes.

- He is a morning person. That is something we do NOT have in common but I am getting use to it. :)

- He still can't really roll over...he did 2 times tonight on his own from his belly to his back. He can't do      it all the time though. He is so close just isn't all that interested.
- He still is really chatty
- He is in 9 months clothes now- He is to long for 6 months
- He loves his toys- Sophie and the rings that link together seem to be the favs.
- He started swimming lessons and seems to be doing pretty well. He is always so tired and will practically fall asleep in his highchair once we get home.
- He has started solid foods- likes Rice Cereal and Oatmeal. The last couple weeks we started on real foods and so far he likes Bananas and Avocados. Not a fan of carrots or green beans but we will keep trying. He starts laughing if you talk to him or smile and then that equals a big mess. He just cracks me up
- He is not a big fan of bouncers...well if he has to do the work. He loves it if you bounce it for him, other that that he will just play with the toys and when he is done...he is DONE! lol
- He is a very happy and laid back baby. I say this and not everyone believes me. Let me explain a little. Its not that he isn't capable of rolling over or bouncing he just doesn't feel the need to. During swim  class they have a floating mat they place on the water. You then put your baby on the mat and they splash a little water on them. Most kids hold there heads up and look around and enjoy the time maybe give a little laugh or two. Not Colton. He finds this as the perfect time to nap. You lay him on the mat and he stretches out his arms and turns his head to the side and starts to close his eyes. I guess you could say he is relaxed in the water. Funny little guy.  Like I said he is just a very laid back baby. I feel so thankful for that and pray he stays laid back for awhile. I love that he is always willing to offer smiles and is just a happy little guy. Well most the time...all babies have their moments.
- He has been going to Daycare (not really- more like a nanny). A friend of ours is watching him during the day. She is the sweetest and so good with him. We are blessed and I know Colton is just loving it and getting such great care. I never have any worries! She is the best. She also has a son only a week older than Colton. So its like twins.... I can imagine she has some long days.

Getting so big...already using his highchair and loving it!  

Oh Colton...why so serious 

About ready to try his first "real" food

 You would think he liked it by the smile on his face, not so much.

 Loving those toes

I know his ear is smashed and looks funny in this picture but his face is priceless,
 kind of like he got caught. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE IT!!! He weight 6 lbs less than Harpy! :-/