So life...what have we been up to in Montana. Well not a whole lot. One of my favorite times in MT is the summer. I love it and love the go do summer activities. Well since I have been pregnant this summer I just feel like summer was just fading away and I had not taken the chance to enjoy any of it. Hiking in Glacier or Yellowstone was out of the question, no chance to do anything. Which the trade off is totally better anyways. I still wanted to get out and enjoy the outdoors and do something. So fishing it has been!!! So to be honest I am really bad at it and haven't caught a thing. Really its more entertaining just being outside and enjoying sometime outside the house with Jeremy. I have been having a blast and can't wait to go more. I am the type of person that goes into the Fly store or Big R and tell them I am clueless and asks what do I need. Ok well sometimes I make Jeremy act like the clueless one for me..yeah I get embarrassed. Needless to say I have learned a lot. Anyways I will include a few shots of us fishing.
Jeremy fishing on the Missouri...I didn't include my picture cause I was looking pretty rough
A couple of views of the area
What else...we had a chance to get away from Great Falls for a few days and so we decided to go to Kalispell. We love going up there and I hadn't have the chance this summer to go visit. It was amazing!!! We stayed at a local Bed and Breakfast and I can't say enough wonderful things about it. It has a runway so private planes can land and stay there. The breakfast was so good and I think I could eat the Huckleberry Chocolate Chip Scones everyday. We stayed in a suit that had 3 rooms and the place was just built within the last year. If you are ever near Glacier I would highly suggest this place. Here are a few pictures from their website.
We went into Whitefish and went to a couple shops and enjoyed some Sweet Peaks Ice Cream (a must go to place). We enjoyed some fishing and dinner on the lake. The weekend also consisted of stopping at a couple Breweries for of them even makes root beer. Too bad I don't like root beer. I don't mind going in with Jeremy though. We also stopped at a couple quilt shops...per my request. I am so excited to start on the next project. I am finally making a quilt for Jeremy and hopefully he will get it sometime while he is in Korea. I will update you sometime with pictures. So overall we had a blast and enjoyed the time together!
Here is dusty working really hard around the house. This is his typical work day...sun bathing all day! I know he really has a rough life. This is what happens when we don't turn the TV on for him. He needed an intervention. He has a slight addiction to the TV. lol
Here are some of the Dalihias that have bloomed in the backyard this year...
see why they are my favorite!
I know this isn't a flower. Just a random picture I had to post cause I thought it was pretty cool. There happen to be a knife show in Missoula across the street from where we were at, so we stopped in cause it was free. Plus I knew Jeremy would enjoy it cause I drag him to all the quilt stores and stuff. Anyways they are all local made knifes that people use for hunting and stuff. Well we were put in a raffle just for attending and Jeremy WON!!! I thought it was pretty cool...cause I didn't have to pay for it and it ended up being a pretty cool looking knife. Ok enough about my random picture.
Around the house we have been just keeping busy. Finally washed some of Coltons clothes getting ready for his arrival. We have been taking the dogs to the dog park and I have been quilting like crazy and still working on Thank You cards! It feels like a never ending task but I am getting there. I will have a couple quilts to show you but can't quite reveal them yet. Here is one I made real quick for Colton. I copied it from Etsy. I thought it was cute but the lady wanted 175.00!!! Are you crazy for a small quilt....ummm....No! So I copied it and it maybe cost me about 30.00. That's a lot better! It was really easy to put together too. Took me just a couple of day from start to finish. That's good for me. I was so excited this week too. I learned how to sew on binding. I have been missing out. Its so much easier than doing it by hand.
My version of the quilt!
Not much else going on we are just working away. I will work until I go to the Hospital one of these days or until the Doctor says not to go in anymore. I will get 6 weeks of Maternity leave and then back to work. We are getting excited about the big day finally getting here. I am a little nervous. Ask me again on the way to the hospital and I will probably be freaking out...I don't think Jeremy will be though. Like I said before I think if my arm fell off I think he would explain to me in a nice calm voice that my arm fell off and that its no big deal. Not me...complete opposite. I am the worrier. So yeah i will freak out. We went ahead and went into the Hospital and pre-registered. So I should be good to go. That is if I make it to the correct floor. Jeremy always thinks Labor and Delivery is on the 5th floor not the 7th. The 5th floor is the ICU. Think he is trying to tell me something. Anyways I might end up there will see! I had another appointment with my Doctor last week. She said I was progressing nicely. I will spare you the details of all the numbers and stuff. I will go back next week. She did go over reasons for me to go into the hospital or signs of labor. I have been having some sort of either Braxton Hicks or Contractions this week. I know you seasoned mothers are probably laughing at me and thinking she has now clue! Yup! I really have no clue...I think that's ok. I am really good at googling though and self diagnosing. lol. Well no not really. But these "pains" were in my back and in my stomach...they lasted about 40 second and happened about every 10 min. So yeah obviously I didn't go in. I just drank lots of water and went on a walk and then took it easy after that. So we will see when Mr Colton decided to actually make his grand entrance. If you y'all know me I am a planner (no pun intended...that's my work title too) and I would like to know what is happening and when. I would like to trust that my due date is accurate but I know that is never the case. I just am not a big fan of the unknown. I would like to know a date and even a time would be awesome. I am realistic and know this will never happen. If it could I would totally sign up for that option! So we will see and I will keep you updated. I still feel like this child will look exactly like Jeremy and will be his little mini-me and will look nothing like me. Just a feeling and my thoughts. I give him a hard time all the time. Telling Jeremy why am I in the picture if he will just look like him. He knows I am joking though. Just think it would be awesome if he at least has my blue eyes...I am doubting that too. Oh well!
36 Weeks! Only a few more to go
37 Weeks and wearing my orange...cause its a friday! Plus I am excited about some OSU football tomorrow. Go Pokes!!! (a thank you goes out the the Jaegers for the shirt)
Colton is ready for some OSU Football as well!
I think we will being using one of these as a going home outfit.
How Far Along: 37 Weeks today!!! I think I wore this outfit before...please forgive me. It at least gives you a good comparison.
Total Weight Gain: yeah i don't think so. Look at the picture :)
Maternity Clothes: Smaller selection but still hanging in there.
Sleep: Not sleeping near as much. We finally turned the air down at night to 68 and that has helped a lot. I still get up a couple times a night to go to the bathroom and heartburn still kicks in during the middle of the night. Oh well!
Best Moment this Week: Time with the Hubby!
Miss Anything: The usual but its all worth it and really not that far away.
Movement: Still moving like crazy. If I set the iPad or something on my stomach he is not thrilled and will push at it. He still moves when Jeremy Prays every night and LOVE it!
Food Cravings: Not really on the cheese phase anymore. I don't really need anything specific.
Gender: Boy!
Wedding rings on or off: Still on for now!
Thanks to all my friends and family for checking in. We appreciate all the support..I know we don't lead the most exciting life. We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers too. I will try not to be as much of a slacker this time around. Thank you for your patience and for always checking back!!! Till next time.

I'm getting so excited for Colton to get here!!
And I love your OSU shirt. Super cute!
Yay for 36 weeks!!!!! Oh my I LOVE your shirt and his new OSU attire!! I promise I will get you stuff in the mail this week!!! I can't believe it's already Sept! He will be here so soon and I can't wait to meet him!!!
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