Sunday, August 5, 2012

Just a quick post

This is more or less a photo dump from my phone. I had some pictures so I figure why not post them.  Not to much going on this last week. We just worked and decided to hit up the rodeo and try our hand at some fishing in town.  I have a few pictures below from the week.

For a quick update on Jeremys status. He is still leaving in October (still not a happy camper) and we learned this last week that he was denied his follow on assignment. I know I posted this on Facebook, but not everyone has FB.  So for non-military people I will briefly explain this. When you get orders Overseas you get a Base of Preference when you get done with your one year. Its awesome if it actually works. I talked to my boss's to see what would be our best choice of bases so we could be together after his 1 yr term. So Jeremy submitted his choices (the AF made him). He got a letter back and they didn't give him any of them, they didn't give him any base. He has to wait until he gets to S Korea and they will supply him a list of bases in the spring to choose from. We have no clue what will be on the list and hopefully we can be close but its not guaranteed. In the mean time my Boss's extended me to October of 2013...meaning I will be in MT longer. I have mixed feeling about it. All my class mates are leaving before me and so that means everyone I know will be gone. Not cool. Not going to lie I shed a few tears about it. Well needless to say if our assignment can't match up I might be getting out of the AF. Time will tell. Just giving you a heads up I might be in need of a job ;) That's where we stand though. God has a plan and I am trusting in that! 

Other news, we had another ultrasound. This was just a regular one with Dr Key (High Risk Dr) and he seemed pleased with everything. He said he should be a normal size baby (thank goodness) and is measuring in the 47th percentile. There is one exception...his head. I was told he is measuring WEEKS ahead and will just have a big head. I feel bad that one of us somehow passed that on to him.  Sorry Colton. I am so thankful though that he is doing great and honestly can't wait to meet him. I didn't get any good pictures...he kept turning his back to us. 

Ok on to the pictures already....really they are not that exciting. 

 This is my friend Steph! We went to the rodeo at the fair in town and then I decided it was ok to splurge this one time and get a funnel cake. It was AMAZING! Steph is a horse person too so we have fun just looking at the different horses in the Rodeo. 

 This is me today at 33 weeks and 2 days. Getting closer and I feel like I double in size everyday. 
 A front view...just in case you were curious

I have yet to use one of these parking spots...I am capable of walking. Jeremy of course takes full advantage when I am with him. I must admit the shorter walk was kind of nice.  

 Here are a couple wheat picture for the KS crowd! The wheat harvest here looks great. Its looks a little different here than KS...we have mountains in the background. 

 Jeremy and I tried our hand at fishing. The gentleman at Big R was very helpful and taught us what to do. We didn't catch anything today...neither did anyone else Jeremy talked too. We are hoping to go out this week and try again. 

 Since its so hot out we took the girls to the river and let them cool off. They loved it and were very excited. They jumped around like crazy for a while and could care less about their Tennis Ball. I was finally able to get them to work on some retrieving after a little while.  

(Tally Bear)

Like I said not to much going on this week. Just figure I would post a few pictures so you could see what we are up to here in Montana. Thank you for checking out our blog and thank you for your continued love, prayers and support. We can not thank you enough. Much Love! 
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, everything will work out for the best sweetie. =) Also, the AF is notorious for screwing up paperwork. When Klayt got his first orders, we didn't get anything we picked on the list and were set to go to Eglin! Blech! But someone caught it and fixed it so we got our number one choice of Kirtland in ABQ, NM. Just keep your prayers up and I'll say some for you guys too. =)