Friday, June 8, 2012

25 Weeks!

See it didn't take me 2 weeks to write again! I go in spurts and by request I will try to improve my editing skills. No promises at I said in one of my first posts you will just have to love me the way I am and look over it! lol. Sorry!

So we have had such a busy week or at least it seems that way. Sunday we went to our first Baptism class and that went pretty good. Our friends that we went and saw What to Expect When your Expecting went with us to the Baptism class as well. (Obviously they are Catholic too) I should really try to snap a picture with them....I will work on that. Anyways small world we found out they got married in the same church my parents go to in Edmond! How cool! So back to the Baptism class...I think we were the only couples to get called on during the whole evening. Its ok we were able to answer the questions and share our opinions. We have another class this sunday and I am really looking forward to it.  We just really want to get Colton set up for success and feel really good about all of this!

So what else is going on...

Monday we attended a class they offer on base. Its called Bundles for Babies. They offer a few classes on base for parents and we have decided to go to all of them because lets be honest we don't really know what we are doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I think it was good. I mean there are a few elements I could do without. Obviously I know not to shake my baby...evidently there are people in the world that don't know that! But I did learn how to swaddle a baby and learned we have a nurse on call on base all the time that will do home visits or what ever you need to make your life better. Whether its how to get your baby to stop crying or check your house for safety. That is always good to know. In the end they gave us a bundle of goodies. Its $75.00 worth of gerber stuff! I thought it was pretty cool and was pretty excited about it. Check it out...

The rest of the week we were really busy at work! We have had an exercise on base so that has kept both of us busy. If you don't know the military lingo and don't know anything about exercises then consider yourself lucky. Its like participating in a make believe scenario and still doing your regular job. It can get crazy.  Since I had a pretty busy week my sweet husband surprised me and sent flowers to my work. How sweet!  Here is a picture. I think he did an awesome job and definitely made the work week better. I mean who doesn't love OSU orange flowers!?! lol. Don't know how i can trump that...guess i will just take it in and enjoy it. Thanks Jeremy!!!

Oh I almost forgot about the most fun part of the week...haha!! Not really! I had my glucose test this week and it wasn't the most pleasant experience. I didn't get sick or anything and I thanked the Airman for refrigerating it. Anyways it tasted like thick flat sprite. I have not heard back yet if I passed or not so I am hoping I passed so I don't have to do the 3 hour test. Its not that the test was that bad its just not  entertaining sitting at the base clinic for that long. Not my cup of tea. Still thankful it was cold though!

After that whole ordeal the next day we went to Benefis Hospital for another Ultrasound. I told you I get spoiled. They are checking for the growth and making sure Colton is measuring and keeping up in size. So it most likely will be at a monthly thing from now on. Some time we get a tech that is not nice but this was was the most kind lady ever. It helps that we kinda have a connection there too.  The ultrasound went great and he is still measuring a little ahead and growing but not as large as the last time. But it still seems to be ok though. He is weighing in at 1lbs 9 oz.  The tech had my lay on my back a little to long and about passed out....but a quick turn on my side and I was feeling much better. We even got to see Colton with the 3D probe. This may be TMI...I don't really know where to draw the line. But apparently I have an anterior placenta so instead of it being against my spine its on the front of my stomach. It just makes it a little more sensitive...true statement. So of course he was facing my placenta so we could only see a little bit of his face. The tech told us to come back in a few weeks and she will do a 3D scan again for free! YAY! I can't wait. Here are a few pictures from the Ultrasound.

I guess he is comfy and relaxed cause he is kicking back 
and has his legs crossed! lol

Here is a picture of him waving...sometimes we get the nice
 Techs that will add funny sayings! Thanks!

So this is a view of his cute nose. This is a view looking from under his chin. So right under were it says nose it like you are almost looking up his nose and the bright white underneath is his chin. 

Here are a couple picture of his profile. I am so curious to see what he looks like. We are so blessed and can't wait to meet him. We keeping praying that he will continue to grow and be strong and count everyday as a blessing! 

How Far Along: 25 weeks 

Total Weight Gain: Still around 15-16 Lbs. I don't know if thats normal or not but the Dr doesn't seem to concerned. 

Maternity Clothes: Nothing new! Finally warm enough to wear a tank top today and it definitely makes me look pregnant. Maybe I shouldn't have bought one with stripes. 

Sleep: More than ever. I am exhausted all the time. I get home from work and crash and then  eat dinner stay up for a couple hours and then crash again. 

Best Moment this Week: Loved seeing Colton again! 

Miss Anything: Lots but all worth it in the end...almost to the 3rd trimester. 

Movement: He is a jumping bean! Now I know why its harder for Jeremy to feel any movement. My placenta acts like a big pillow and makes it harder for you to feel it on the me I can still feel it. 

Food Cravings: Cheese! I think I could eat KFC potatoes everyday...I don't think thats because of my pregnancy. lol

Gender: Boy! Tech said said yup he is definitely still a boy

Wedding rings on or off: Still on

Looking Forward To: Lots! This week I am still really praying for good news that Jeremy will be able to stay with us and not miss Coltons first year. It breaks my heart to know he might be gone cause I know he doesn't really want to miss all the firsts. We understand and will do whatever Uncle Sam asks of is our job. But more than anything I just want at least one year to be a little complete family. Sometime I don't know how good of a job I would do or if I am tough enough to get through I am trying to only think of the positive instead. That can be a hard task for me. Right now LOVING every minute of everyday we get together!!! life is good! 
So... this weekend we are just going to hit up a few garage sales and maybe relax a little. Hoping we won't get called into work too much and will just be able to relax.  Like I always say I am so thankful for all the support from out friends and family and couldn't feel more blessed than I already am! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

SOOO lucky! Mine was luke warm flat orange pop!! It was SOO disgusting!!

In his profile, I think he looks like Jeremy?!