Saturday, April 14, 2012

17 Weeks!

So I am keeping my word. I said I would update every week or two. Well this one just happens to be two. I have just little updates about the pregnancy and thoughts I would throw in a few other pictures.

Well yesterday marked 17 Weeks! YAY! Every week seems like a big milestone to me. So last week was Easter and Jeremy finally made it home from his training in Colorado Springs. I absolutely love having him home and it is making life so much easier...well for me at least. Not sure he would say the same. lol. So I am not sure if I mentioned some of the restrictions that I am have been on lately. The base doctor instructed me to not lift more than 5 lbs. I am also suppose to rest as much as possible and limit my work day to 8 hrs. I don't know if you have ever limited yourself to lifting only 5 lbs but it is nearly impossible. Anything and Everything weighs more than that. So this has been very difficult for me to follow but I have been trying my hardest. I had to order and Easter Ham and then have Jeremy pick it up. So I wanted to make a cake before he got home. I went and check to make sure I had everything (I rarely ever do this and end up making a trip to the store) of course we had no sugar. There is a god!!! He makes Sugar in 4lbs bags!!! Needles to say it took me 3 trips from my car to my house just to unload the 5 items I had. I am still really thankful for the small here is a picture of my small thing to be thankful for. Sugar that is under 5lbs!
Here is a picture of a project that I was finally able to get finished last week. I made it out of some scrap from other projects. I think it turned out ok. I am using it as my table runner (square) for the spring.

17 Weeks

How Far Along: 17 weeks

Total Weight Gain: Don't know how I feel about posting my weight on here now...didn't think about that at first! Well so far its been around 5 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: I bought a new blues skirt and shirt for work but that its so far. I have good intentions to go buy a few things, but I just never feel like going or run out of time. Really do need to go get a few things.
Sleep: Still sleeping great...unless I am standby and I get called in the middle of the night. Other than that I sleep great.

Best Moment this Week: Well I would be lying if I didn't say seeing my Doctor. I love going in cause I feel like someone cares and is checking up on me. Call me crazy just something I actually look forward too.

Miss Anything: I really miss being able to exercise!!! Call me crazy but I really just want to go for a nice run but my restrictions do not allow me too. Very frustrating to me.

Movement: Still none. Like I said earlier not sure if I will recognize it.

Food Cravings: I love cheese! I could eat Quizno's broccoli cheese soup everyday. I know its not that great for you but still at the moment it tastes amazing.

Gender: I think its a boy still. Doctor I think it trying to make me second guess myself. We will be able to find out the Gender on May 2.

Wedding rings on or off: Still on
Looking Forward To: The next couple ultrasounds and like always for things to be normal as can be. We go in the 2nd for the 20 week Anatomy Scan and they will also check on my Placenta previa and abrupt ion at the same time. I am praying that we get all good news and that things are going great! We feel so blessed and thank everyone for all the love, support and prayers so far. Our next appt after the ultrasound will be May 8th (I am pretty sure). Dr Henzel was gracious enough to send us the to High Risk Dr (Dr. Key) for the ultrasound on the 2nd. She said he has the best machine and town and will really be able to let us know what is going on and if things are improving or not. The Dr will also be there so then I can actually ask questions instead of just having someone that ignores me and not allowed to talk to me. Trying to really take it easy until then!

Other than that much else going on in Montana! We are getting something moved around the house and starting to think about where the baby will go. We are going to get a shed and I think the dogs will be moved out to the garage. I don't think they will be to thrilled!

Thanks for stopping by and take care until next time!


Amanda said...

Glad things are going well! Super glad that Jeremy is back, being apart sucks!
Poor pups, the garage is no fun :(

I will say that I currently have two excellent baby sitters. If Callen cries Tobi comes a runnin'. They are both excellent at cleaning up spit up and slobber and keeping an eye on Callen while he plays. I don't leave them unattended with him but I'm not too worried about them hurting him. Sometimes they get more worked up than I do when he is upset!
Phineas really struggles when Callen cries, he cries too! He also must see anything and everything we are doing that involves the baby (diaper changes, bath, etc).
And Tobi can't walk by without giving a kiss. I think Callen's getting more germ proof each day ;)

Unknown said...

Giz could care LESS about Harper (unless she has a poopy diaper!) He doesn't even clean up after she eats...what good is he?!?

We Harper and I are still holding out for a girl! :) I need to get my tops and mail them to you!! Don't let me forget!