Friday, September 28, 2012

The many faces of Colton

Well it's been a little while since I have written, so I figure it's time for an update. We just love having Colton around and fall more and more in love with him everyday. We are adjusting to having a new little one and truly think he is a blessing. Jeremy has started back at work this last week so there has been even more adjustment.  We are all getting the hang of things and trying to get into a routine.  I figured this post that I would just share a lot of the pictures I have of Mr Colton and maybe it will give you a look into what his little personality is like.  I don't really think the camera really portrays what he looks like the best but that it ok. He got some professional pictures done last week and we can't wait to see how they turned out. He was such a trooper and the photographer was just fantastic!

So one of the most common comments we hear is "He looks just like Jeremy!". Looks like my prediction was right and I agree he looks just like him. Lets just hope he is not as stubborn. (Sorry I have room to speak ). So here is my many photos to try to she what he is like...enjoy.

So Colton often has a hat on and usually prefers to hold onto it. He will pull it down over
 his eyes sometimes or just hang out with it. He likes to hold onto things a his
 wubbanub (horse next to him), your fingers or blankets!  

Wow his hair is not looking good in this picture but this is his face after he eats. Yes 
he is somewhat dramatic and will just place his hand on his cheek. This is the precursor to passing out! 

This is his peaceful little sleep. He still fits in Newborn clothes at the moment. He is almost to long but as you can see he never likes to put his legs in the holes for his legs so we don't really have to switch to a bigger size quite yet. 

This is his scared or not to thrilled face! LOL This one makes me laugh. Its not the most flattering of him but is totally his personality.  Once again the hands up by his face. 

First glimpse of trying to smile! 

Just a cute picture! 

Like I said he always sleeps or has his hands by his face. It was even this way in my ultrasound pictures. This one makes me laugh cause he just set his little hand right on his nose to sleep. What ever floats your boat little one.

My common sleeping pose...grabbing onto his neck of his sleeper

Hands by the face again...its a comfort thing for him

This is how he feels about car rides! lol 

His serious face

Often when he is stretching or when he is sleeping just raises one hand in the air for no reason.  

Ok so I think I may have bored your enough with all my random picture postings. I will try to get some better photographs on the next post and hopefully give you some more information on how things are going. These are just random pictures from my phone that I have dumped onto here. Sorry about the quality again. Thanks again as always for checking in and for your continued prayers. 

Here are some of the professional pictures that were put on Facebook! I absolutely LOVE them! 

( Maternity Pictures) 

(The new little one)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! LoL you really made me laugh about finding a routine because as you as you get into a good one, the baby changes it. They grow so fast right now that is hard to keep up pace. I'll just say you'll find a general direction and hold on tight. =)